Luxury is being completely redefined. It’s not the opulent, inaccessible, at all cost kind of product or status lifestyle experience that it used to be were money was no impact... read more →
Firstly, Welcome to our first TrendCast which this week features the Pussy Bow Blouse. Each TrendCast will focus on a garment that has inspired us to create a unique uniform choice.... read more →
Is being pushed to break point to give the maximum for the bare minimum of margin and volume which becomes a false economy for both the supplier and the client. ... read more →
We recently went back to a client who was constantly having issues with their uniform and we identified that there were several different factors affecting this as it wasn’t happening... read more →
The relevance of aligning your personal values with your business values enables you to be more value led for your customers, for your community and the suppliers that you... read more →
Imagine you are dressing to impress; you are about to meet new faces for the first time, but you have to introduce yourself whilst wearing ill-fitting garments, how do you... read more →
Are you a company owner or designer with amazing design ideas and a fantastic brand, but no idea how to get your products made? Having the desire to elevate your... read more →